Sunday, January 8, 2017

The wild boars causing damages to hundreds of million – Swedish Radio

Because the stem is rapidly increasing expected damage also increase. It says Hans Andersson, professor at the university of agricultural sciences in Uppsala, sweden.

– For Swedish agriculture, this means a significant concern. And if it does not get very cold and snowy winters, there will be no improvement in the next ten years, ” says Hans Andersson.

however, It is not all agriculture affected. But those who are affected often get big damage. The only effective way to limit the wild boars is the increased hunting, but the boost to get the animal in the day, says Hans Andersson.

” this is a time-consuming hunt that requires patience, so it is no easy task. And with the growth that is in the day need half the tribe to be deferred by each year.

the Tribe’s rapid growth also means that the animals will be more prevalent near homes and communities.

the wild boars will come into metropolitan areas where they become very difficult to control, and chase, considering the security aspects, ” says Hans Andersson.

” They will become more common in the gardens, and there is already a substantial problem in those areas that are vulnerable.


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