Helena Fredriksson, 32 years old is a student and activist. She has started the facebook group #låtmarwastanna
Maria Dahl Karlgren, 36 years is kvinnojourskurator and feminist
A mother and three half-siblings with proof of identification and a permanent residence permit. It is not enough for nine-year-old Marwa to be able to stay in Sweden. Not to the relationship through a DNA test determined with 99,999% certainty.
This concludes now the migration court of appeal. Instead, she will be deported alone to a very uncertain future in Morocco. This then it can not be proved beyond reasonable doubt that the Marwas father possibly would be able to oppose that she is in Sweden.
the Father has not, despite searches of both the Marwas mother and Moroccan authorities, gone to find. He abandoned the family when Marwa was a baby, yet weighs under Swedish law, the absent father of any opinion, heavier than the Marwas and her mother’s.
Marwas mother has told that it is associated with great shame to be the single mother of a small child in Morocco. Therefore, she left the country in the hope of finding a safe haven for her and her daughter.
Then the mother then came to Sweden was made possible a reunion. To patriarchal structures is the basis for the women and girls ‘ constraints to a dignified life is not unique to Morocco.
That Sweden, as a precursor for a gender equal society can continue to perpetuate these patterns by parent father right before the Marwas and her mother’s rights are to us indefensible.
the Swedish migration board makes the assessment that Marwa at the expulsion will be received by his grandmother and grandfather in Morocco, and they will mourn for her as they had previously done it. This without confirming this with them!
As friends of the family, we know that the possibility does not exist, then they are very poor, and that his grandmother’s health is bad. Thus, showing Sweden a lonely nine-year-old girl without having a satisfactory accommodation in the country.
Marwa has been in Sweden for more than two years. She has rooted itself in Ödeshög, where she lives, learned English well, loves school and has made many good friends. And above all, she has her family here!
Then Marwa in this mode does not have the right to legal aid, we have now started the collection #låtmarwastanna. We are many who share the view that something is wrong in our legal system when a nine year old girl be left to their fate, and the commitment to allow Marwa to stay is huge!!!
Helena Fredriksson
Maria Dahl Karlgren
Here you can engage yourself for Marwa
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