Errors in both the design and manufacture of lithium-ion batteries caused the fires in the Galaxy Note 7-phone. This confirms Samsung’s own investigation.
The first reports about the burning Galaxy Note 7-phones appeared in the fall. The problems increased in scope and, among other things, several airlines banned phones on board.
Samsung has investigated the cause of the fires and come to the conclusion that they were both design errors and manufacturing defects in the lithium ion batteries. More specifically, it is about a misplaced electrode, and a defective weld, according to the company’s own video below.
the Conclusions have been reached after an extensive investigation. 700 engineers have tested 200 000 mobile phones and 30,000 batteries, ” says Samsung on its website. Also external experts have been consulted.
Now, Samsung has developed procedures to prevent similar errors from occurring again, for example, a control program, which means that the battery inside to be examined with x-rays. An advisory group of outside experts has also been formed.
Approximately three million Galaxy Note 7 phones have been sold. No copies were, however, sold in Sweden before Samsung recalled product.
-We ask sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and concern we have caused our customers, ” says Samsung’s mobilchef Koh Dong-Jin, according to TT.
Samsung’s investigation may lead to the launch of the company’s next top model, the Galaxy S8, postponed. TT reports that it will not be presented at the mobilmässan in Barcelona that starts on February 27.
Already in the last week published in the Wall Street Journal, the conclusions from the Samsung investigation.
the Problems with the burning Note 7-phone is expected to cost Samsung around 47 billion.
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