Thursday, January 12, 2017

Linfärjan Gerd go from diesel to electricity – New Technologies

Sweden has scored his fourth elkabeldrivna linfärja. Technology is the power source) and the four ferries is probably unique in the world.

Kornhallsleden between Gothenburg and Kungälv, sweden, is Sweden’s busiest linfärjeled. Last year, transported to the ferry 730, 000 cars.

the Ferry Gerd, running the 200-meter stretch, is a so-called linfärja, which means that it does not navigate without running along a wire.

in the Past have Gerd gone on the diesel. But now the ferry had been converted to electric drive and will be powered by two electric motors. During Wednesday, there was traffic start.

Eldriften is done with the help of a power cord fed in and out through a wheel on the side of the ship. In this way, led electricity from the power grid in the country to the onboard electric motors. These, in turn, drives the two winches which pull the ferry back and forth along the wires. The engine is not pulling the release wire after the ferry.

Two frequency converter may regulate the shuttle’s speed by varying the elmotorernas speed. An isolation transformer on board ensures that the electrical supply voltage in the country is separate from the on-board network to avoid ground currents.

For safety’s sake, the ferry is also a diesel generator on board. It can be used if there would be blackouts in the power grid in the country, in case of thunder storms or difficult ice conditions.

the Technology with elkabeldrift has been developed by the Swedish transport administration ferry operator. The four ferries that has the drive system is likely to be the only one in the world.

” We got the idea from the large port cranes that runs on rails along the quays around the country. They have a roll that sits on the faucet and rolls out and rolls up the power cord, it is the same principle, ” says rederichef Anders Werner.

so Far, elkabeltekniken tested on three linfärjeleder with lower traffic intensity.

– It is mainly by finding alternatives to fossil fuels as the ferry services can contribute to the long-term sustainability. When it comes to linfärjor can electric power an excellent option. For free ferries, for example, in Hanöleden, it’s all about the other fuels, such as methanol or the HVO, ” says Peter Peterberg, environmental coordinator in shipping company, in a press release.

But the ferry company look also at the battery-powered ferries.

– In our nordic neighbouring countries is a commitment to build battery-powered ferries and it is something we are keen to develop even in Sweden, provided that there is a reasonable financing for the investment, ” says Anders Werner.

the First elkabeldrift was linfärjan in Hamburgsund in Tanum municipality in 2012. During the first two years were saved, 107 tonnes of carbon emissions per year. Because Kornhallsleden has a more extensive traffic count shipping company with even greater koldioxidbesparingar on the route.

the ferry company think elkabeltekniken has several advantages. It allows the fossil-fuel-free operation, is virtually silent and provides an improved working environment on board.

” I see really no disadvantages with the technology. Possibly it could be a disadvantage to have a power cable in the water, to prevent the other boat traffic, but because you still have a wire where it plays no major role, ” says Anders Werner.

Therefore have a shipping company already plans to install the technology in additional three färjeleder.

Linfärjor with elkabeldrift

The Swedish linfärjeleder that has elkabeldrift is Hamburgsundsleden, Malöleden and Kastelletleden.


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