SvD’s reporter Jani Pirttisalo hit Niklas in a park. Photo: Stefan Mattsson
He is 50 and middle manager in an international, listed company. His username is one of the 72 Swedish name which is revealed in our review of the downloads of documented sexual abuse of children.
the Evening when we first reach him by phone he demands to know why we want to meet him. We declare that we must meet in order to tell you.
– You may take it via pressavdelningen, ” says Niklas.
in Order not to expose him to the employer, he may know that it is all about the downloads of the movies showing serious sexual abuse of children.
“I don’t want to be seen,” says Niklas then, several times.
in the end, he still reluctant to go along with the proposal: "We can meet, but do not want to have any problems", he writes in a short text message.
It is a chilly afternoon, a thin snöskikt covers the large park, which will be our meeting place. A short distance away passing a preschool class. Children laughing and playing in the snow. A förskolefröken gathers the group together and the children go on a neat line in the sun.
he wears a black jacket and blue jeans. He has pulled the hood over his head and has stopped the hands of the jackfickorna. After only a minute recognizes that he has downloaded movies that contain sexual abuse of children.
I realize that it is wrong. I can’t explain it, you have to respect it.
He has been difficult to find words for their behavior and repeats several times that he thinks that what he is doing is wrong. He returns also to the behaviour depends on the stress in the job.
” I think this is awful. But I do nothing for yourself, ” says Niklas.
What do you mean with that you do not do anything yourself?
” I do nothing against anyone.
But this is of course about children, what you do is a criminal act?
” Yes, I know. I don’t get it here either. I realize that it is wrong. I can’t explain it, you have to respect it.
Photo: Stefan Mattsson
this is, of course, movies with sexual abuse of children?
” Yes, I know. It is damn hard to talk about, ” says Niklas.
SvD and Aftonbladet’s investigation shows that the Niklas downloaded at least a dozen different films. With the help of searches on the darknet, the internet, which is not open or searchable with common search engines, it is possible to find the description, in text form, over what the files contain.
among other things, the series "caitt.avi*", where a 12-year-old girl from Eastern europe is raped and subjected to other serious sexual abuse by her stepfather. In other parts of the material occurs to a younger girl who is eight years old, who are exposed to severe abuse together with the 12-year-old.
he takes off his hood.
” I feel sorry for the children, you may understand as well, that it is difficult. And it is very difficult to discuss. I’m ashamed terribly much, but you don’t really on it when you fall into it.
It has been a bit up and down when I landed in the of them syndrome, it is something that makes you do it then.
During the interview lie Niklas on their downloads. When we ask him about how long he charged down övergreppsmaterial he says "the last year". But in the log file we tracked in the audit you can see that the downloads made ago 2014.
” It has been a bit up and down when I landed in the of them syndrome, it is something that makes you do it then. Man is not proud of himself.
he says that he knows that the films never disappear from the network, and that his downloads helps the material remain.
He describes that he must "try to do something," and seek help.
somehow, I need to grab it here. I have done some thinking, now I see that this is crap. The brain asked the right. I hope that you understand that this is an alarm clock for me, that really is it, a chance for repentance.
he claims that he’s going to do away with the computer.
” I may toss it out in the snow. I can put a power cutter in it.
Photo: Stefan Mattsson
Here you can get help
Become a victim?
the Rise, the National society support center against incest and other childhood sexual abuse, website: rise-sweden.see, the hotline two days a week: 08-696 00 95,
the Hope, The national organisation against sexual assault, website:, hotline: 076-19 99 343
The big Sister, can be e-mailed at and have a chat open five nights a week:
Warn about suspected abuse?
the Police website: police.see, the phone number is: 114 14 or e-mail to the police group against child sexual abuse:
Recommend anonymously if materials on the network, the children’s rights organization Ecpats hotline, website: ecpathotline.see, e-mail:
Worried about committing abuse?
Preventell, a helpline for those who feel that your sexuality is a difficult, worrying or problematic. The helpline is linked to the Karolinska university hospital.
Also related is concerned about a friend or family member’s sexuality can make.
Website: preventell.see
Phone: 020- 66 77 88
telephone hours weekdays 12-14.30, other times you can leave a message, so call Preventell.n
Psykoterapeutens comment:
Psychotherapist Börje Svensson am not surprised that Niklas go to be seen and tell you about their behavior. Photo: Tomas Oneborg
Börje Svensson dealt with the children who are victims of sexual abuse and men who have committed sexual offences against children and downloading the övergreppsmaterial for many years. He has taken part of the case Niklas.
He creeps to the cross, he wants to be in control and show themselves as a "good guy".
"I am not surprised that Niklas go to be seen and tell you about their behavior. He is afraid, he will not meet you so he thinks you reports him. He creeps to the cross, he wants to be in control and show themselves as a "good guy".
There is a chance that the confrontation with Niklas can lead to repentance. If the timing is right so this could be a nudge in the right direction, sometimes you will get lucky and it may be that you came in just at that stage."
Footnote: He really called something else. The files mentioned in the review really called something else. In order to get the men to tell them guaranteed the anonymity and grundlagsstadgat of protection. All the places have been informed that they can seek help.
Examination of the figures
- 7328 downloads with connections to Sweden have been analysed
- 412 Swedish ip addresses have been identified
- 72 Swedish men have been identified
- 33 we have confronted – ‘ve met or spoken with
- 20 have been recognized
- 13 denies, of which 12 says that their e-mail or computer has been hijacked
- 3 are sentenced for child pornography
- 1 of them is in prison – sentenced for felony rape
- 2 argue that the downloads of the movies made by mistake, despite the fact that in the one case involves hundreds of files
- 3 explains their downloads with that they were in a period when they felt bad.
- 1 have attempted to take their life
- 1 have been thinking about suicide
TV: See how we confront Niklas
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