Monday, December 21, 2015

Drone considered camera – Norrtelje Newspaper

drone equipped with cameras will be covered by surveillance teams hitting Appeal settled in a new judgment. Stock Photography.

 Drones fitted with cameras will be covered by surveillance teams hitting Appeal settled in a new verdict. Stock Photography.


Johan Nilsson / TT


 Drones fitted with cameras will be covered by surveillance teams, hitting Appeal settled in a new verdict.

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Facts: Drönarkameror

The filming with a drones over fields to the general public need to seek permission from the provincial government.

When the provincial government authorizes taking inter alia into account the privacy aspect – if people can be identified on the images.

The Administrative Board may, in its state setting different conditions for filming, such as which sites will be filmed and at what times.

Source: The Data Inspectorate.

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The Administrative Court agreed earlier this year concluded that cameras on drones do not read during the surveillance teams, but the Data Inspectorate appealed to the Administrative Court of Appeal in Jönköping and then got a hearing. This means that anyone who wants to film with a drönarkamera of a place to which the public has access to the need to seek permission from the provincial government. The judgment is interesting considers Malin Ricknäs, lawyer at the Swedish Data Inspection Board.

This is the first time Appeal examines all the criteria on drönarkameror.

The criteria relate to, among other things, whether the camera is deemed to be permanently set up, and if the manually operated at the site, compared with an ordinary camera that does not require a permit. Appeal did not consider the camera to be controlled locally, and also said that drönarkameror be considered to be permanently established.

If the Administrative Court appeal will be up to the Supreme Administrative Court to decide whether to consider the issue.

It would be interesting for us at the Swedish Data Inspection Board to bring up the matter there and get their statement, even if we think that the Administrative Court is well written, says Malin Ricknäs.

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