Friday, December 4, 2015

This is the 2016 trends – Daily News







Next year we will devote ourselves to self-examination, re-examination, look for new solutions and seek salvation, of consulting and research firm Kairos Future trails right.


– the need to screen off and shift down the tempo will increase, says Mats Lindgren, the company’s president.




Next year we will devote ourselves to self-examination, re-examination, look for new solutions and seek salvation, of consulting and research firm Kairos Future trails right.


– the need to screen off and shift down the tempo will increase, says Mats Lindgren, the company’s president.

By continuously monitoring the outside world and social changes make Kairos Future every year a future and trend spotting for the coming year. Prior to 2016 they predict that the nations, businesses and residents will be characterized much of the world’s current crises and devote themselves to seeking solutions and examine themselves. At the individual level, the simplicity will be the focus.

– This year we had many crises and they continue to accelerate and will characterize the next year. Including refugee wave, Isis rampage and that financial uncertainty level is shifted up, we are forced to look for new solutions, says Mats Lindgren, CEO of Kairos Future.



In the energy sector predict now that the expansion of solar energy will increase, even in developing countries.

– Since the mid-90s, solar energy has increased markedly and almost doubled every year. But almost all the solar panels are installed in the rich part of the world while there is hardly in the developing countries where they have better adapted climate for using it.

The company also believes it will become more frequent sharing instead of owning. “Saving is the new blue” they mean and believe that more people will choose to share housing, cars to reduce costs and increase flexibility.

– It is simply easier to share. We see that individuals rent their homes often and several major brands have begun to launch bildelningskoncept.

If the ideal of the younger sooner was to travel, see the world and to commit themselves and raise a family late, there will now be a shift . People in their 20s today see it as a major challenge to get a relationship to last a lifetime and to have jobs that are not only fun, but where it is also beneficial.

– Generations characterized much below growing up in what happens in the world. Today’s 90 Baby Boomers grew up in a troubled and messy world and will therefore want security and simplicity, says Mats Lindgren.

Finally, we according to Kairos Future to search self-salvation by eating right, stay healthy and live a simpler life.

– From a national perspective, we in Sweden extreme to think that time is never enough, which is because we have such high ambitions with everything we do. Therefore, the need to screen off and shift down the pace now increase, says Mats Lindgren.






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