Thursday, October 15, 2015

Ericsson engineers thought iPhone was “a crappy phone” – New Technology


Åse Lindskog says in the book “Ericsson’s crisis and the journey back” that the company had a prototype of Apple’s first mobile phone at the large trade fair in Barcelona. It was common. Four contractors had shown prototypes of smart phones at the show, and Ericsson took all four models to test in Kista.

book author, who was press officer at Ericsson in the years 2001-2009, describe how the test lab hung hundreds of phones from different vendors in the standings as Ericsson examined to see how they behaved in telephone networks.

“Teamet who tested the phones sawed entirely Apple’s phone. It is not linked up to the base station, the tied down and did the wrong things. The antenna was furthermore bent and the radio, the voice feature, was considered poor, “writes Åse Lindskog continues:

” It did not meet a single technical specification, meant the team. The team’s conclusion that the phone was a really bad phone was sent out of the organization and put thus the public perception of Apple’s phone in Ericsson. Sony Ericsson’s engineers came to the same conclusion. “

The day after the launch of the iPhone, then the fall of 2007, had been Ericsson’s Business Unit Multimedia a management meeting.

“Someone in the group suggested that they watch the launch because it was industrial. But everyone said no, because it was a “crappy phone” that no one would come to buy, “writes Lindskog.

” Ericsson’s crisis and the journey back “and is published by Ekerlids publishers.

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