Saturday, May 16, 2015

Nano Father: Take over my atom-by-atom-track – New Technology


Future visionary and engineer Eric Drexler is on a visit to Stockholm. He has been invited here by Swednanotech, an umbrella organization for Swedish nanotechnology company, to talk about the APM (atomically precise manufacturing).

Future Nanotechnology has the potential to solve most of the problems our society is grappling with, he says.

For once someone manages to produce the 100 nanometer small 3d skrivarliknande base unit that can position atoms in exactly the right place opens the possibility to eventually produce everything from strong, lightweight materials for super-efficient solar cells at an extremely inexpensive way. And in large quantities – without emitting carbon dioxide.

– To manufacture one computer for a dollar per kilogram is a fully realistic future possibility, says Eric Drexler.

The concept is not new, he has spoken to warm it for almost 30 years.

– A research budget of 100 million per year for a few years would be enough to make world-changing progress.

Sweden can take the lead in the art, he says, and calls for a Swedish billionaire who is willing to make decisions relying on facts rather than what people think. And who says “this is worth trying.” For contrary to what many believe, the concept has its basis in physics, chemistry and engineering – not science fiction, he points out.

– I do not intend to call around and chase a financier, it makes others do. But if any person or group in Sweden want to make a realistic development plan for APM helps me obviously very happy with advice on everything from organization to which expertise in various areas, said Eric Drexler.


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