Friday, July 1, 2016

Controversial contents nätjournal – Aftonbladet

Medical. Patients want to be part of severe disease notified via their nätjournal, according to a new report.

But Anna Sahlberg, breast cancer patient, is critical.

– I would be angry if I got cancer diagnosis via the Internet, she said.

So far, 16 governments had patient records available online.

Research now being presented by the research team DOME (Deployment of Online Medical Records and eHealth Services) – consisting of more than a dozen researchers from the Royal Institute of technology, Karolinska Institute and Uppsala University – shows how patients and healthcare professionals in particular, the county council in Uppsala experiencing nätjournaler.

A majority of the approximately 1000 surveyed patients want to take advantage of everything, even negative disease notifications nätjournalen, according to the report.

Sofie Zetterberg, vice president of council-owned e-health company Inera, who manages the introduction of nätjournaler, comments on the research:

– We have a clear picture of all patients want to have as much information as quickly as possible. One patient stated that hen would rather weep at home than at the doctor, she said.

“Need any direct”

But Anna Sahlberg, who several years ago had told she had breast cancer, disagrees.

– whether cancer is too heavy to carry the news yourself without getting juggle with anyone. When I was told about my breast cancer I estimated to directly ask questions, to see and read the body language of the person giving the news, she said.

The survey also shows that a large part of the nursing staff is critical to nätjournalerna and sees a risk that patients misinterpret the journal text and worry unnecessarily.

“Easy lock up “

the study also shows that patients who has taken part of log list – including who has been inside and read the journal – have been surprised at how many people are involved in their care. Some patients have also questioned whether all health professionals who have read the journal’s jurisdiction.

Bengt Hjelmqvist, doctors at City Doctors in Kalmar, confirms these fears, arguing that health professionals who do not have a care relationship to the patient too easily unlock and read a journal, even if the patient requested it blocked.

– Anyone who is out in the bad intentions can damage the patient. There has been, in connection with the divorce and custody disputes, says Bengt Hjelmqvist, which however is in favor of patient access to their medical records online.

Data Inspection Board has also remarked that several caregivers have inadequate procedures when it comes to logging in patient records, according to Fredrik Ekman, iT security specialist at the Swedish data inspection Board.


Differences in what appears

So far, 16 governments had patient records available online, and in 2017, all counties included in the system.

Västernorrland, Gävleborg and Jämtland to introduce nätjournaler year. Stockholm and Gotland should introduce nätjournaler at the turn of 2016/2017.

To enter your nätjournal, if you have one, please visit, select the service, The Journal and log in with your e-ID.

it is up to each county as shown in nätjournalen and there are big differences between counties in what the records contain. There are also differences in how soon a new journal entry will be available to the patient.

Only those who really need to be able to go in and read the patient’s record. Patient Data Act gives you the right to take part of the logins that have been made to your journal. Information should be designed so that the patient can determine whether the login is justified.

Source: Inera.


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