Monday, August 24, 2015

10 social media news from the summer that you need to keep track of –

Now you can to see your position in the Swedish Twitter universe through the annual survey Twittercensus.

first Facebook launches live streaming service “Live”
facebook follow the Periscopes and Meerkats footsteps and launch their own live streaming service, which, however, is available only to celebrities. On their own news blog they explain how individuals will be able to get closer to their favorite celebrities through the service “Live”. The live broadcast will be followed via the new app Facebook Mentions, which is specially designed to follow public figures. Some profiles have already begun broadcasting via the app Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Serena Williams and Martha Stewart.

2. Snapchat opens for more news

 While Facebook and Twitter are becoming increasingly important news sources, according to a report from the Pew Research Center, launches snapchat more news channels in the Discover deal, among other things BuzzFeed. Discover, launched in January, is a news feed in snapchat where selected media channels can broadcast daily news with text, images and video directly to app users. One way to reach the younger audience with current news accustomed snapchat users. Although Facebook is working on a Twitter Similar Apps to deliver breaking news quickly, according to Business Insider.

Read more: Then developed Facebook

third Twitters direct messages may be any number signs

 At last it is possible to have longer conversations in instant messages on Twitter! In the coming weeks will limit the characters in instant messages will be removed on both in apps and third-party services. Social media is clear to point out that the 140 character limit will consist of public tweets.

4th Search facility launched on

 Instagram makes it easier to use the service from a computer and add a search feature on Now it will be easier to follow hashtags, location tags and other accounts without using the phone, or tablet. Instagram has launched landing pages for both hashtags like places. See for example #webbdagarna.

fifth Google Plus is no longer a requirement to create a YouTube account

 Google throttles the requirement to have a profile on Google Plus to use other Google services. This is especially interesting for Youtube users, who have long complained that they had to create a new page on Google Plus every time they started a new Youtube channel. The beginning of the end for Google Plus, which never really started? Read more about the decision on Google’s blog and on YouTube’s blog.

Read more: Let children escape appear on Facebook


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