Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Windows 10 discontinues support for old dream – hundreds of games becomes unplayable – IDG.se

Anyone who appreciates gaming classics for Windows should review whether Windows 10 is the right choice one more time. With tian namely Microsoft discontinues support for DRM technology SafeDisc and some versions of Securom. It writes the site Rock Paper Shotgun.

The reason is simply that these old techniques involve a security risk, and it would require substantial action to both be able to run them at the same time do so in a safe manner. In order to do their jobs drilled these DRM technologies themselves deep in the operating system and used methods that Microsoft does not allow applications to use anymore because it can be exploited by malware. At the same time it is a problem that hundreds of titles purchased legally in stores suddenly does not work anymore, despite the fact that the games themselves, in many cases works great.

In some cases, the developer has already released an update that removes protection because sometimes it caused problems already when the game was out of date. Otherwise easiest way to see if the game is available for purchase on sites like Steam and GOG, selling older games in a digital format that does not need discs.

Many are likely to locate programs that remove protection from the original game instead, so called “no-cd crack”. However, it is ironic because the type of program and the sites that spread them in itself is a security risk.

The only way to legally drive these games without simultaneously paying them back is to self-sign Safediscs driver with a test signature. However, it is both difficult and moreover it opens just for the security risks that Microsoft wanted to avoid.


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