Thursday, April 23, 2015

Earn 1.75 more per kWh on your solar cells – New Technology


Homeowners with solar panels on the roof can be sunny days produce more electricity than the villa consume. Then you can feed excess electricity to the national grid and get paid.

But how great the compensation homeowner may differ substantially between electricity companies. At most one can get 200 cents per kilowatt hour, which at least four cents lower than the Nord Pool price, which will be 25 cents kilowatt hour based on last year’s average price. It shows a compilation of 29 Swedish power company, made by Johan Lindahl, who is a Swedish representative in the IEA-PVPS, the International Energy Agency photovoltaic applications.

He made a similar table last year by 27 electric utilities.

– The big difference from last year is that most utility companies that were little higher’ve gone down to the Nord Pool spot price when the new tax credit was introduced. It was expected and is quite reasonable, since it’s spot price is the market price of electricity. Some electric companies remains a little higher, and you do that enough to see it as a way to brand themselves and engage more customers, writes Johan Lindahl in an email response to new technologies.

The tax credit, which was introduced at the turn, means that the solar cell owners can deduct 60 cents in tax for every kilowatt hour delivered into the power grid.

New Technology wrote yesterday that the government now wants to introduce a new energy tax of 30 cents per kilowatt-hour of solar electricity.

The proposal is for solar installations with a peak power of more than 144 kilowatts, far more than can fit on a roofs for residential dwellings.

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