Sunday, September 27, 2015

NASA has made a “significant scientific discovery” of Mars. – Aftonbladet

NASA has made a “significant scientific discovery” of Mars.

But what it is like to not have to provide – yet.

NASA has an ongoing project to explore Mars and they say their words have made a major breakthrough. But the US space agency will not reveal any details until Monday when they invited to a big press conference.

READ ALSO PLUS The places where Nasa believe it can be life

Speculation about access to water

The secrecy has led to speculation about the big news.

Most observers believe that the disclosure is about the availability of water on Mars writes Omni and refer to the Business Insider. It is above all a few names on the list of those who will attend the press conference which leads many to make the conjecture. Business Insider reports that it could even be that NASA discovered running water on the planet.

NASA will broadcast the press conference live on Monday evening, Swedish time. Also Aftonbladet will report directly.


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