Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tesla is the undisputed king of electric cars – why is Elon Musk succeeded where … – IDG.se

In just over three years, Tesla Model S has fundamentally changed our view of electric cars. They are no longer boring bilsubstitut. They are fast, stylish – and the expensive. Now released SUV Model X that will allow Tesla to sit safely left on the throne.

But the company has no straightforward journey to the top. Tesla Motors was founded in the early 2000s and was long an outsider, a startup that attempted to launch an attractive electric vehicle in a country where the automobile industry’s heyday is over long ago – when Tesla was listed had no American car companies made it since the Ford, which was the year 1956 .

But Tesla Motors had a plan. In a blog post from 2006 describes the super entrepreneur Elon Musk, then chairman and now president, how their electric cars would take over the world.

Read more: Time to start saving, in two years, a Tesla you might afford


 Step one: develop a sports car.


 Resul Tate: lyxåket Roadster which was released in 2008. It had all the basic conditions for success – a top speed of 200 km / h, a range of close to 40 mil and could reach the 100-mark in less than four seconds. It was a sports car, which did not release any exhaust emissions.

Roadster was Tesla’s first car.

 Step two: take the money that sports car generated and build a cheaper car.


 Roadster in itself was not a sales success. When the model was retired in 2012 rolled just over 2,400 cars on the road. But investors had realized this, and Tesla got the money needed to work on.


 The little cheaper car was the Model S, and although it had some setbacks (burning batteries and a few negative reviews) became a success. Apart hugged online, out of stock in stores.


 Still, Tesla is far from being the first to embark upon the electric vehicle market, and far from the only one available to buy. One of the reasons that it is still the Model S as the most successful is the way it is designed on the mean Bertil Molden, CEO of industry organization Bil Sweden.

Read more : Check in: Silicon Valley’s crazy ideas about the future of transport


 - Tesla has been so successful that they started with the battery and built the car around, unlike those who have tried to adapt batteries for existing cars. It has not worked well, and the scope have been then, he says.


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