Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Large research grant to VTI – Mynewsdesk (press release)

What does a bicycle accident and why occurs bicycle accidents? Often with serious injuries and sometimes death. VTI will now have twelve million dollars to create a strong research in the field of wheeled vulnerable road users.

Länsförsäkringsbolagens Research finances for the first time an entire research program on the theme of vulnerable road users. The research program aims to improve the safety of wheeled vulnerable road users, especially cyclists, but also MC drivers and moped riders.

– I’m happy for this venture because we have so much more to explore and do research on. And this is very much an interdisciplinary research program that many researchers at VTI will participate in. There is also a project that can be completed with other research to build an even bigger and broader expertise and research in an area of ​​high need says Henriette Wallen Warner, a researcher at VTI.

– For us at Länsförsäkringar is important to prevent injuries. To be at the forefront requires a deeper and broader understanding of how and why accidents happen. Vulnerable road users are the most vulnerable and young road users often travel on bicycles or other two-wheeled vehicles. We know that bicycle accidents increases considerably, fatalities have more than doubled from 2013 to November 2014, says Maria Wedin, traffic expert at Länsförsäkringar.

– To work in a three-year research program together with VTI which is an independent research institute in transport, feels just right., says Maria Wedin.

The research has focused on the bike and contains a total of nine different sub-projects that involve everything from crash tests to behavioral studies. Projects at VTI will include a closer look at the following areas:

  • Security Properties of the vehicle. Cycle design is likely to affect the meaning of the claims experience during a fall.
  • How to behave wheeled vulnerable road users, cyclists, moped riders and motorcycle drivers in traffic? How well after liver cyclists traffic rules? How do roads, pedestrian crossings, tunnels out? Is the traffic environment adapted to vulnerable road users who often rely on the hard shoulder?
  • Non försäkringspliktiga wheeled vulnerable road users. Cyclists are increasing in number, the needs of infrastructure and insurance coverage causes this?
  • VTI will develop a model for sure “transportation” for unprotected road users as a basis for targeted activities: information campaigns, equipment, improved operational and maintenance and development of insurance coverage.

For more information, please contact:
Henriette Wallen Warner, a researcher at VTI, telephone 0243-44 68 62
Maria Wedin; engine and traffic manager at Länsförsäkringar, telephone 073-964 13:45

Image: VTI / Katja Kircher

VTI, Swedish National Road – and Transport Research Institute, is an independent and internationally prominent research institute within the transport sector. The main task is to conduct research and development on infrastructure, traffic and transport. The quality system and environmental management system is ISO certified according to ISO 9001 and 14001. Some test methods are additionally accredited by Swedac. VTI has about 200 employees and is located in Linköping (head office), Stockholm, Gothenburg, Borlänge and Lund.


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