Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Xbox Live’s founder leaves Microsoft – Gamereactor Sweden

Boyd Multerer, perhaps best known as the man who led the development of Xbox Live, today announced on Twitter that he was leaving Microsoft after 17 years of employment.

“Goodbye Microsoft. It was a good run . The Xbox was Great! Time to do something new, “ writes Multerer in his tweet.

Multerer has worked at Microsoft since 1997 and over the years has been one of the leading figures behind the Xbox and its development. The title he now leaves behind Microsoft’s “Director of Development” just for the Xbox. In addition to this latest title is also an extensive resume of years at Microsoft.

In 2000, Multerer with and worked out the online functionality of the
original Xbox console, then known as the Xbox Online. Later he was the one who put together the development team that created Xbox Live, and also led the entire development of the online service. He himself said that he was the first person with an Xbox Live account.

In recent years he has also worked as a product manager for XNA code language, which is the programming language used for the Xbox, and worked for To make it more accessible to indie developers.

Multerer was also involved in the development of the Xbox One and was co-presented the parts of the console’s functionality at its unveiling last year.

Multerer is the latest in a series of high-profile employees who have left the Xbox in the last 18 months. Among the other names are Mark Whitten, Xbox’s former Vice-President, and Don Matrick former head of Microsoft Interactive Entertainment Business.

Via: Polygon


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