Thursday, April 14, 2016

Here is the bill that can crush any encryption –


” Compliance with Court Orders Act of 2016 “calls senators Richard Burr and Dianne Feinstein their new bill that is now before the US Senate.

It is about forcing companies developing systems that allow communication – such as mobile phones and online services – to make information available in plain text on the presentation of a court order.

If the law would be voted through would it basically mean the end of secure encryption in the United States, and therefore also in the rest of the world when it comes to services based in the United States, and products made by US companies.

If companies like Apple should be able to break the encryption, they can either make it so weak that it can be cracked, or to store all encryption keys that are generated centrally. The alternative is to not allow passwords that can not be brute force hacked, but it would of course make the encryption meaningless.

A central team of the keys would be an irresistible target for hackers worldwide, and the infrastructure to securely sending billions of keys without saving them elsewhere than in the “safe” vault would be huge and offer many more attackvektorer.

as the law is written, it can be interpreted as all forms of encryption are covered by the including programs that password manager.

Proposed Burr-Feinstein Encryption Bill by Mikey Campbell


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