Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Now Facebook take over of companies – today released Workplace – Computer Sweden

Wait, the Workplace? Called service Facebook at work, you ask? And it was very quite for a long time its name. But when it was time to seriously launch företagstjänsten fit Facebook also click to change the name on it, to the Facebook Workplace.

the Arrangement works as follows: the first three months are free. Then, will Facebook charge a monthly fee based on the number of active users. Companies with up to 1,000 users pay three dollars per person, for up to 10 000 users drops the price to two dollars. They are even more lands the price tag of a dollar per user. Non-profit organizations and schools will, however, get to run the service for free. It can be compared with competitor Slack which takes 15 dollars for a premium account.

also Read: Therefore, choose the major banks have to bet on Facebook at work

After several years on the drawing board drew Mark Zuckerberg and his colleagues in the January 2015 started pilot tests of the corporate Facebook. In the spring, jumped Telenor on the train, and shortly thereafter, the consulting company Evry. Then said konsultbolagets CTO Magnus Mühlenbock that they mainly chose Facebook at Work because they wanted to have a social platform as a complement to the private intranet.

The 1 000 companies that tested the beta version in regular order återrapporterat to the supplier. And Facebook has made a number of changes based on their experiences. Not least they have drawn a clearer line between företagsplattformen and regular Facebook. For even if it is the same login to both employees and employers that the two services are kept separate.

facebook workplace
this is the desktop version of Facebook Workplace out.

This wall between the consumer and the enterprise users need to switch between multiple windows in the browser if they are logged in both at work and in private. New apps for the network to which the messaging service has been developed, both of which should be available for Android and IOS from today. Separate inloggningsprocesser and separate instances is, according to Facebook an advantage when they are trying to sell the service as something that will improve productivity.

Experts from a number of research firms have seen the favor on the företagssatsningen. An assessment has been that the decision was necessary in order for Facebook to continue to grow.

Craig LeClaire, vice president and principal analyst at research firm Forrester research, says to CIO.com it was a good decision to go for a cloud based platform that can compete with established players such as Salesforce.

Who owns the data is an ever-present question, and the answer here will be: companies. If a company chooses to terminate the service disappears all data. To further alleviate it managers ‘ concerns, Facebook acceded to a number of different certifications and standards for it security.

also Read: that is Why Evry on Facebook at Work for 6000 employees

as consumers get a hold of the representatives for Facebook is not the easiest. There is nothing that works in the corporate world, and the company will therefore offer technical support. But the problem becomes a Saturday morning it can get to wait. Customer service will be open 12 hours a day, five days a week and they have a response time of maximum two working days.

Facebook does not claim that they are now experts in business services. They are and remain first and foremost a platform. The gaps are filled via a new partner program with partners such as Evry and Deloitte. Right now there are no plans to bring forward some solutions for text editing, or storage, but in the long term it can become a reality.


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