Friday, November 11, 2016

Requirement: More viltstängsel – Expressen

For us at Motormännen, it is obvious that more viltstängsel must be set up, and especially when it is determined where the most accidents occur. Viltstängsel is the single most effective measure to bring down the number of wildlife accidents, ” says Carl Zeidlitz, trafiksäkerhetsansvarig at Motormännen, in a press release.

Swedish Automobile journal Motor have allowed the Dmv to pick up the country’s most vulnerable road sections where the viltolyckorna takes place. And it turns out, therefore, that half of all wildlife accidents occur at less than four per cent of the state road network. The most serious wildlife accidents occurred on the E4 and E45, shows the Swedish transport administration’s material.

more and more accidents happen

at the same time, viltolyckorna more and more. According to Älgskadefondsföreningens forecast is expected in the years to occur approximately 53 000 wildlife accidents in road traffic. It is just over ten per cent more than the year 2015 was a record.

a Great set viltstängsel takes away approximately 80 percent of wildlife accidents leading to serious injury or death, and are economically very effective, according to the Motormännen.

But in regard that the fence is set correctly, in the right places, with the right connections and that it is properly maintained. Otherwise, they may result in, for example the animals are on the wrong side of the fence, with the risk of more accidents.

today, there are around 780 miles viltstängsel along Swedish state roads. The need, however, is much greater, writes Motormännen.

” I think you should start by setting up viltstängsel around european highways and other major roads with much traffic. On average, occur six reported wildlife accidents every hour, around the clock, all year round. Now that we know where the most accidents occur, so it should go relatively quickly and be easy to fix this, ” says Carl Zeidlitz.


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